Chapter 8 - Orlando

Pick your own music and hold on!

After the old world feel of New Orleans we arrived in Orlando and stayed far away from the city center near Universal Studios. The taxi ride in was interesting as the taxi driver, who was Haitian, was adamantly trying to get Andre involved in his business in Haiti. Andre considered it seriously, but then realized that it probably wasn’t the best of ideas, knowing very little about business or for that matter Haiti. So after that slight distraction from our purpose, we turned our eyes on the prize again; the Hunt for Harry!

We are of course talking about Harry Potter World in the new Islands of Adventure theme park that sits next to the older Universal Studios park. We spent two days exploring the two sister parks and had a blast. Harry Potter World was awesome and they have recreated the village of Hogsmead with all the shops that go with it. There was quite a line for Olivanders as you can have an appointment to select a wand just for you. 

In Seuss Landing
Honeydukes was also there, and we both tried Butterbeer, which Amy had tried so hard to recreate. There was also a smaller version of Hogwarts that housed an awesome ride, our favourite of the park: Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey.

After our previous stops Orlando was more relaxed and we spent our days & nights at the theme parks and outlets, going out for low-key dinners, and relaxing next to the pool. After four of these tough days we headed out to Cape Canaveral. We were on our way to the Bahamas!

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