Chapter 9 – The Bahamas on a Cruise

Ecstasy at Half Moon Cay

We boarded the Carnival Ecstasy cruise ship in Cape Canaveral and leaving the USA we sailed out into the crystal blue waters of the Bahamas. The cruise was for 5 nights and we stopped off at Half Moon Cay, Nassau and Freeport.

We were totally pampered on board with massive buffet breakfasts, lunches and three course dinners. There were daily shows, activities and parties that kept us well entertained on board. At our destinations we got off the boat and explored the islands.
Half Moon Cay

Half Moon Cay
We spent the second day lazing at the beach of Half Moon Cay, next to the bluest, clearest water we had ever seen. The beautiful lagoon is privately owned by the cruise line and is part of a larger island that is a bird sanctuary. 

The gaudy interior

The next day we arrived in Nassau and were whisked away on a charter boat to another private island, Blue Lagoon for more swimming, sunbathing, beach BBQ’s and rum cocktails. On the way back we got a tour of the beachfront mansions belonging to Oprah, Tiger Woods, Chuck Norris and our old acquaintance from New Orleans; Nic Cage.

Prepared to snorkel in Freeport
Blue Lagoon, Nassau
Towards the end of the week we found ourselves in Freeport, where we boarded a catamaran and sailed out to an open water reef called Treasure Reef. When Esther realized that we were going to get in the water at this landless spot, she felt the need to prepare with a hyper-inflatable life-vest. We spent an hour bobbing about looking at the reef, tropically coloured fish and corals. Esther’s hour was cut short when she heard someone say “ shark! ”. After escorting Esther back to the ship, Andre decided to jump back in and go shark hunting. He soon found the four-foot shark as it lazily swam around the reef. We later found out that, that particular shark had no teeth and the brave Andre was safe all along.

Treasure Reef - kilometres from land

We sadly said goodbye to our cushy ship & pampered lifestyle, boarded a plane and headed to New York, New York.

Not quite the way the pirates drank it but still rum!

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