Chapter 1 – Arrival in the USA - Disneyland

Good morning Los Angeles!  After a super quick fingerprint and retina scan we are let into the US and head out with our rental car to our hotel in Anaheim to spend the day in Disneyland. With the rental car we start to see the beginning of a pattern that will become familiar as we travel through the country, namely that the advertised cost is not the real price here. The advertised price is designed to suck you in and then you get hit with the real cost when you go to pay. In the case of the car it ends up being double what we thought we would pay once we pay tax and insurance as well! Welcome to the USA!

Got to the hotel early and once they check us into a room which is still being used the upgrade us to a much better room and comp us the parking and internet fees. Lesson number 2, the name of the game is service! And if you are nice and polite then people are more inclined to help you. So despite the car things are starting to even out a little.   

After a quick nap we head out to Disneyland for a great afternoon and evening filled with classic rides on Indiana Jones, Magic Mountain, Thunder Mountain and the Teacups! The detail and the design in this place are phenomenal.  After that we hang around for the fireworks in the evening. Easily one of the best firework displays I’ve ever seen, better then anything they have done in Auckland. And it happens every single night of the week, weather permitting. Lesson number 3 – things are big here. This applies to everything here; food, roads, people and distances.

So after a day in the self-proclaimed “happiest place on earth” we call it a night and head back to the hotel for an early start on our drive up the coast on the legendary Highway 1!

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